Tinos Island

From Delos we made our way up to Tinos Island, where we tied up on the town quay. This enchanting chora - the principal town on the island - is brimming with picturesque alleyways, trendy cafes and plenty of Greek tavernas.


One day on our way to the playground the kids were practising crossing the road whilst we supervised from a little distance behind. When they did not cross when the coast was clear we were confused, until a large pelican appeared and blocked their path! Apparently this infamous local lives here in a fish shop with three cats when he’s not wandering about the town. His name is Marcos!

Above the town sits the Church of Panagia Megalochari, an impressive building made from local marble. This is the spiritual heart of Greece, and her most popular pilgrimage. Many pilgrims come here to crawl on their hands and knees from the port to the church along a red carpet that has been permanently installed along the route up the hill. It was an interesting sight to behold.


Whilst in Tinos we also took the opportunity to reset and restock the boat. Here, we picked up our friends Aaron and Kat who are joining us aboard for a couple of weeks and who took the ferry over from Athens to meet us. We were also pleasantly surprised when some boat friends we met last season in Turkiye happened to dock next to us for a couple of days too. So it was a rather enjoyable and social stop indeed!