Goodbye Greece… For Now

After a final dinner in Preveza of pomegranate & Ouzo with Alex and Elliot, we locked up Long Summer and the six of us all piled into a big van with all our luggage and drove five hours down to Athens.


Along the way we stopped at the Corinth Canal, which cuts deep through 6km of mainland Greece, connecting the Ionian and Aegean Seas. It is too narrow for modern ships to pass through, and the high limestone walls are persistently unstable. It is currently closed due to yet another landslide, so we figured if we can’t sail through it then we may as well drive over it! We parked up to walk over the high bridges that now connect the cut-off peninsula to the mainland, and even watched one game tourist bungee jump down into the gorge below.


In Athens we dropped Alex and Elliot off at the station to continue their adventures onwards towards Australia. Having them aboard for such a crucial month at the end of our cruising season was so invaluable, and we feel a debt of gratitude for their hard work and support. Workaway is certainly proving to be a good place to find life-long friends!

The next day we jumped aboard a plane for the first time in years and flew to the UK. Hello winter!